Thursday, April 2, 2015

Night- Chapter 2 & 3

"He got up and asked politely, in German " Excuse me..... Could you tell me where the toilets are located".  The gypsies there to him for a long time, from head to toe. As if he wished to ascertain that the person addressing him was actually a creature of flesh and bone, a human being with a body in a belly. Then, as if walking from the deep sleep, he slapped my father was such force that he fell down and then crawled back to his place on all fours" (Wiesel 39). 

            In our American studies class we are reading the book"Night" written by Ellie Wiesel. Each few chapters we recognize and important passage and explain the importance of it. This passage from the book "Night" gives a deeper meaning to the narrators father. As it reveals more about the the Jews new life and their environment that they will be living in. It connects to theme by showing how all Jews were being looked down to and being mistreated.

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