Wednesday, November 12, 2014

iPad's impact on my education

OThe iPad has been a very useful tool to use for me when it comes to school. Many people may think it's just a distraction, but if used in the right way, it can really enhances your education in a huge way. It has been working for me so far. Instead of carrying a heavy backpack filled with notes and textbooks like I did freshmen year, I have everything I need right in my very light iPad. If I am absent to a class, I can check on iTunes U and schoolboy to see what I missed and work on it right away. Instead of shuffling through countless of papers to find what I need, I have everything digitally organized in just a few apps. The iPad has provided me with many useful educational apps that my teachers use to make school a little easier for everyone. When it comes to the way I use my iPad, it's the most useful tool.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. People just need to learn how to use them properly.
